Legal notices
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Blackfox, a simplified joint stock company with share capital of 5,000,000 euros, whose registered office is located at 19 avenue des Pays Bas, ZA du Val de Moine Saint-Germain-sur-Moine, 49230 SEVREMOINE (France), registered in the ANGERS Trade and Companies Register under number 351 962 964.
Intracommunity VAT number: FR60 351 962 964
Telephone number: + 33 (0)2 41 63 35 36
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Publication manager: Jérôme SUBILEAU
INDEX d’égalité professionnelle femmes hommes 2024 : 89/100
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Site created by Reference Club
Site host
OVH, a simplified joint stock company with a single shareholder, whose registered office is at 2, rue Kellermann 59100 Roubaix, FRANCE and which is registered with the Lille Métropole B 424 761 419 Trade and Companies Register, under number: 42476141900045
Photo Credit
Jérôme TANNE
Informations environnementales – Conformité avec la loi AGEC
Conformément à la loi n°2020-105 du 10 février 2020 relative à la lutte contre le gaspillage et à l’économie circulaire (loi AGEC), notre entreprise met à disposition les informations environnementales des produits distribués. Ces données sont accessibles au format réutilisable et exploitable via un fichier téléchargeable sur notre site.
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Personal data protection policy
In accordance with Articles 5, 15, 16 and 17 of the General Data Protection Regulation of the Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016, (‘General Data Protection Regulation’, or ‘GDPR’) and the amended Act No. 78-17 of 6 January 1978, relating to data, files and freedoms and its implementing regulations you have a right to access, modify, rectify and delete personal data concerning you. You can exercise this right by sending a simple request by email ( or by post to Blackfox - Délégué à la protection des données (RGPD), 19 avenue des Pays Bas, ZA du Val de Moine Saint-Germain-sur-Moine, 49230 SEVREMOINE (France).
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Blackfox cannot guarantee the accuracy, completeness or topicality of the information published on the site. The information on this site may contain technical inaccuracies or typographical errors. Changes may be periodically made to the information herein and such changes will be incorporated in new editions.
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The same applies to any databases appearing on the website, which are protected by the provisions of the Act of 1 July 1998 transposing the European Directive of 11 March 1996 on the legal protection of databases into the Intellectual Property Code. As such, any reproduction or extraction will incur the user's liability.
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Reference Club